Thursday, October 30, 2008

ERE Expo Fall 2008

Well, I've spent the past 3 days in Hollywood Beach, FL for the ERE Expo. As a result, I've decided that I need to be a little more on board with Web 2.0. SO - now I'm on Twitter and I'm going to commit to writing regularly on this blog (not that it's revolutionary or anything). I've always prided myself on being at least somewhat tech-savvy, but I feel kind of behind-the-times because I'm not Tweeting. That's all about to change.

The Expo has been good. It's been great to meet some new recruiters from all over and put faces with some names. Dr. John Sullivan spoke about Recruiting During an Economic Downturn, which was the highlight for me. My team is doing what we should be to survive this tough time and I came out of it with a few new ideas. Most importantly, I feel confident that my organization is going to weather this economic storm and come through stronger on the other side. I had the opportunity to listen to the Director of TA from Freddie Mac speak on TA During Periods of Transformational Change. If their TA Director can be positive these days, things are going to be okay.

I've been kind of lonely in my hotel room and I'm really excited to head home tomorrow. I've been kept company by my Expo schwag though...these are going to look great in my office!

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